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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Skoar 2007 27th January(Day 2)

Me to the right,Ramit in the center with Patrick'fOrest'Lindberg of Team Fnatic(Photo courtesy:Adhish Sharma)

Sooo,I finally went to Skoar 2007 at Pragati Maidan on the second day of the event. I was supposed to go on the third day also i.e.28th Jan but i my school practicals are going on .. so couldn't the last day..I was there for about 1 hour or sooo.. and i completely enjoyed the time i spent over there..This Event made me finally feel that GaMiNg in India is progressing towards the positive side... There were all sorts of people over there trying to know more about the gaming industry..

There were more than 30 Xbox 360's on dispay for the crowd over there.There was a lotta rush in getting a chance to play a game on the 360... I had to wait a lot to get a chance to play over there.. Some of the games running on the 360 were PGR3,Gears Of War,Fight Night,NFS Carbon,NBA Live 07 and many more...There were also many gaming PC's on display by HCL,Samsung.These PC's had a high end configuration . Games like Fifa 07,Cricket 07 were the games available to play on the PC's..

Also the finals of the Game Box 2007 were at held at Skoar 2007 which was sponsored by Reliance Web World. Game box went across all over the world to find the best gamers. The Game Box Counter Strike Finals were won by a team from Mumbai named 'ATE',a 17year old from Mumbai won the finals of NFS Underground and Warcraft Finals were won by a 23 year old also from Mumbai. Mumbai ruled this event..

AND Most importantly me and my friend met the members of the 'Team Fnatic' the best counter strike playing team in Europe and possibly the World...The members of these teams looked cool,straight forward and did not show any attitude towards the public , the public which did not know what is Team and my friend ramit also met Patrick'fOrest'Lindberg--the world's best counter strike playing player...It was a memorable moment for me which i can't forget all my life...To know more about the 'Team Fnatic' you guys can visit their web site

In all Skoar 2007 was a sucessful event. I would give it 7/10...

1 comment:

adi said...

good post, twas damn lucky of you to meet f0rest, i missed skoar, i was supposed to be there, but had to get somewhere else...

anyway, gotta admit, im impressed by youall dps students blogs and the warp

keep posting...