Google News - Sci/Tech

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Next Nintendo DS to Compete with Cell Phones

This rumour just won't die. This time, a Japanese website is reporting, and confidently too, we might add -- that the Nintendo DS will see a hardware refresh by the end of this year. To us mortals this might seem like an illogical move -- the DS is doing great everywhere (the console has sold some 77+ million units worldwide so far and going strong), where's the logic behind another version? To that, we reply: (1) this is Nintendo we are talking about, logic does not apply, and (2) the Nintendo DS has been slowing down in sales -- relative to its own performance -- in its homeland.

As per the website, the new DS will feature a camera, better wireless, will play music, will come with a better version of Opera browser (built-in this time), will be able to exchange data with the Wii through an SD card (VC games on the move? YES PLEASE!), and will "compete with the cell phone". The last bit makes sense -- if there is a threat immediate to the portable market Nintendo enjoys dominating, it is from the cell phone. The new DS will also connect to information kiosks and will help users find nearby restaurants and train stations.

The price of the new model, will be under 20,000 yen ($200 / Rs. 9,600). It will first be released in Japan; overseas releases are under consideration.

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