Google News - Sci/Tech

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Apple iPhone Arrives in the US!

It's official... Apple Computer's iPhone has made it to stores... finally...

And if reports are to be believed, the iconic phone-cum-iPod-cum mobile Internet device is not faring too badly...

Despite all the speculation and the 'expensive' tags, Apple has sold around 525,000 iPhones beginning Friday 6.00pm through close of business Sunday.

No doubt, many users have been complaining of activation problems.

But then the scramble of people wanting to activate their iPhones through iTunes possibly succeeded in overwhelming AT&T's servers.

An AT&T spokesperson said they are working on these issues on an individual basis -- with customers who've been impacted.

Meanwhile, Apple's iPhone has arrived to great expectations... Moreso because of the company's earlier innovation -- the iPod -- that steadily rose to iconic stature.

However observers feel that while the iPod landed in a market full of not-so-great MP3 players, it's a completely different ball game for the iPhone, which awakens to a pretty-much mature market.

When Apple Chief, Steve Jobs, unveiled the device in January this year, he expressed confidence that they would capture at least 1 percent of the market -- which is the equivalent of 10 million phones -- by end 2008.

It remains to be seen how far Apple's 'cool and fun' device goes...

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